What is SPARK in Central Park? Find out here!

A summer of fun has just begun! Round up the kiddos and head to downtown Rochester for SPARK in Central Park. Find out below what this new, free program entails and make plans for a Saturday outing with the family!
“Spark in Central Park” de 10 a.m. a 12 p.m. del 8 de julio al 12 de agosto
Traiga a su familia al centro de Rochester para disfrutar de actividades al aire libre todos los sábados del 8 de julio al 12 de agosto. Spark in Central Park es un evento gratuito para que las familias disfruten de juegos, cuentos, actividades artísticas y más, al aire libre en Central Park.
"Spark in Central Park" laga bilaabo 10 subaxnimo ilaa 12 galabnimo Julaay 8 ilaa Ogosto 12
Keen qoyska bartamaha magaalada Rochester si ay u qabtaan hawlo bannaanka sabti walba laga bilaabo Luulyo 8 ilaa Agoosto 12. "Spark in Central Park" waa dhacdo lacag la'aan ah oo ay qoysasku ku raaxaystaan ciyaaraha, hawlaha fanka, wakhtiga sheekada, iyo madadaalada kale ee bannaanka ee Central Park.
فعاليات "سبارك في سنترال بارك" من الساعة 10 صباحاً حتى الساعة 12 ظهراً من يوم 8 يوليو/تموز حتى يوم 12 أغسطس/آب
إحضر العائلة الى وسط مدينة روتشستر للإستمتاع بأنشطة الهواء الطلق كل يوم سبت من 8 يونيو/تموز الى 12 أغسطس/آب. أن فعاليات سبارك في سنترال بارك هي نشاطات مجانية للعائلات للإستمتاع بالألعاب و الأنشطة الفنية و أوقات قراءة القصص و غيرها من أنشطة المرح في سنترال بارك.

Quick info
- 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. every Saturday from July 8 to August 12, 2023
- Central Park (225 1st Ave NW, Rochester, MN 55901)
- Free to attend and fun for all ages (even parents or grandparents!)

About SPARK in Central Park
Never heard about SPARK in Central Park? Fear not, for this is a new program in downtown Rochester and is a partnership between the Rochester Downtown Alliance and SPARK, Children’s Museum of Rochester, thanks to funding from a portion of the City of Rochester's American Rescue Plan Act dollars.
SPARK in Central Park provides free outdoor activities like games, art activities, story time, and other outdoor fun at downtown’s beloved Central Park.

Activities to expect
While a couple surprise activities may be added week to week, count on the SPARK in Central Park fun to include:
- Large blue building blocks
- Nature scavenger hunt
- Sidewalk chalk
- Art activities
- Reading and stories
- Music

Transportation and parking
Not only in SPARK in Central Park free, so is the parking! Every weekend, City ramps and on-street parking are free. Because there are street parking restrictions directly around Central Park with the temporary relocation of city bus stops, visitors are encouraged to utilize the Armory Parking Lot (just a block away from Central Park), Center Street Parking Ramp (two blocks from Central Park), or street parking across from or adjacent to Central Park. Attendees are also invited to use the public city bus system to get to and from Central Park!

More to do downtown
While you have free parking to attend SPARK in Central Park, why not make a day of being downtown! There is plenty of great dining, fun shopping, and lots more to do within walking distance of Central Park. For inspiration of all the fun ways to spend time in downtown Rochester, check out this blog!