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Small Business Saturday

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Date and Time for this Past Event

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Retail Event/Promotion


A day to support local business, Small Business Saturday creates jobs, boosts the economy and preserves neighborhoods in downtown Rochester and across the country. Created by American Express in 2010, Small Business Saturday serves as the ceremonial kickoff to the holiday shopping season for small businesses across the United States.

Sábado de Pequeños Negocios el 26 de noviembre, 2022

Un día para apoyar a las empresas locales, El Sábado de Negocios Pequeños crea empleos, impulsa la economía y preserva los vecindarios en el centro de Rochester y en todo el país.

Ganacsiga Yaryar Sabtida Noofambar 26, 2022

Maalin lagu taageerayo ganacsiga maxalliga ah, Ganacsiga Yaryar ee Sabtida waxayna abuurtaa shaqooyin, kor u qaadidda dhaqaalaha, waxayna ilaalisaa xaafadaha bartamaha magaalada ee Rochester iyo dalka oo dhan.

سبت المشروع الصغير نوفمبر ٢٠٢٢٫٢٦

يوم لدعم المشروع المحلي, سبت المشروع الصغّير يخلق وظائف, يعّزز الإقتصاد, ويُحافظ على الأحياء في وسط مدينة روشستر وعبر البلد.

Stay tuned to the Small Business Saturday web page as more details are released!